Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Real Meaning of Our World

The Moon Cycles           
Ever wake up with the urge to clean, fix something, or reevaluate your entire life? Next time you’re feeling this way check to see what cycle the moon is in.  According to How Do the Moon Cycles Affect Us in ancient times before electric lights and all the various accoutrements that separate us from nature, we humans were even more affected by the light of the moon and her distinctly separate phases. There are many different cycles of the moon that can affect you differently. Accurate Psychics can read these cycles and use them to their advantage to help read your aura. The moon cycles are New Moon this is the first of the moon phases, Waxing Crescent means growing and refers to the size of the illuminated part of the moon that is increasing,  
Moon First, Quarter Moon, Waxing Gibbous Moon, Full Moon occurs when the Moon lies on the opposite side of Earth from the Sun. The moon as seen from the surface of the earth is fully illuminated by the sun at this time, presenting a "full" round disc to viewers on earth. As always, only half the total surface of the moon is illuminated.
Lastly are the Waning Gibbous Moon when the Moon is said to be waning, we see a little less of the Moon each day until it completely disappears when the Moon is New, Last Quarter Moon, Waning Crescent Moon, Blue Moons there are also months with two full moons. The second full moon in a month is known as a blue Moon. Because this happens fairly infrequently, it has resulted in the expression "once in a blue moon.  Although some scientific studies expose this notion, legends and anecdotes persist about the ‘madness’ of the full moon time.
 Love Psychics also use the moon cycles as a form of reading. The New Moon is the best time to get an accurate love psychic reading. During the full moon and on clear nights that glowing moon can ignite romance. This can help our online psychic read your love cycle. You may find your true love during the next New moon. Also feelings of tiredness and overwhelm are caused by more than just the phase of the moon, it can help immensely to surrender to what nature intended.
Written by The Emotion Link

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Winter Blues

Winter is full of occasions to get close romantic fires, holidays galore, snuggle, and friendly weather. Yet the season can be tough on your love life. According to a recent survey, couples are more than twice as likely to think about splitting between the holidays and Valentine's Day, due in part to the pressure the high intensity period puts on twosomes during this time. But also because scientific reasons compound that stress: "Our energy levels are lower during the cold weather, and we tend to be moodier," explains clinical psychologist Seth Meyers, PhD. "Both factors make maintaining a relationship difficult."

You can't beat Mother Nature, but you can learn to spot these pesky relationship killing winter symptoms and take the necessary steps to keep your bond going strong. The Number one way to avoid having these love issues during the holiday is seeking guidance or advice from others. Love Psychics are here Online. They can guide you throughout the winter to make sure your love life is safe and sound.

Have winter blues? The Emotion Link will be here all winter with Love advice. We want you to be able to hold on that relationship.

Little tips of avoiding winter blues is avoiding argument with you mate, make hot coffee in the morning set a warm day from the beginning of the day to the end with a hot dinner plate.

Accurate Psychic Readings Online by The Emotion Link