January 9, 1962 - March 20, 2014
2014 at 11:03 p.m. surrounded by loving friends and family. His contribution to the
world as an American spiritual advisor, author, lecturer and psychic entertainer in
only 51 years was monumental; his impact on those he touched was profound and
life-altering. His words, both written and spoken, were divinely inspired. He is best
known for his translation of Demiki’s Oracle that Mandrake titled “The Oracle” and
published in 2005.
Dr. Mandrake was born the great-grandson of the Haitian spiritual advisor
and healer Papa John Mandrake and his gift of second sight was inherited from him
and from his grandmother who could see into the future and who had him reading
some of her clients when Marcus was five years old. He used the gift of the seer until
the end of this life and it was obvious to all who were with him at the end that he
would continue his mission from a higher place. We all miss his presence on this
earth deeply and are comforted by his wise words “Keep your eyes to the sky and
move forward, and you’ll be fine….”
Written by Psychic & Reverend Rosie
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