April Horoscopes by The Emotion Link
Aries (The Ram)-March
21-April 19

Leos are pretty self-reliant; but that can be a negative
or a positive aspect. You want to
be controlling and rely on no one to do anything, and in the same token your
partner is suffering dearly. There is a friendship that would be suffering this
month unless you stop contemplating and let the past be the past. Your emotions
are always written on your face, but you need to let your friend know that they
matter and make them feel important. When you finally let go and cherish that
connection, your smile will light up the room like the stars in the sky.
Sagittarius (The Archer)-November 22-December 21
Great things are in the air, but psychical and mental
strength is going to be needed to get these tasks done. You would become very
busy and active this month and will begin to feel overwhelmed, but it will pay
off in the long run. Still try to have fun in the process, whether it’s a movie
or a dinner, but don’t let hard work make you want to quit. Focus on your goals
and communicate and you will go far. The sky is the limit.
Taurus (The Bull)-April 20-May 20
This April should be used to reflect and help others as
you continue to grow and move forward in life. Although some plans may fall
apart and you may over extend yourself, don’t worry, KEEP CALM! Continue to go after what you want and always remain
positive. Stay away from the drama and let nothing distract you from what you
are trying to achieve.
Virgo (The Virgin)-August 23-Septmeber 22
Money will be a big effect this month as someone would
need you more than ever and need to get away. It’s time for a mini adventure
because a friend needs your shoulder. Be mindful of your spending and keep
great energy. This person needs all your support, but plan ahead before you
communicate your time. You are very helpful and this friend will be extremely
grateful for your act of kindness.
Capricorn (The Sea Goat)-December 22-January 19
Pamper Yourself! Pamper Your Mate! This month it is
going to be difficult to balance work and your home life. Your mate and friends
would be patient and understand, but you can’t forget about them. Once the work
demand decreases, take the break you deserve. Spend some quality time with your
mate; a mini vacation would be greatly appreciated. And let’s not forget about
your friends, even though they understand your work demand, a night outing with
them would put your mind at ease. Finally, you REST!
Gemini (The Twins)-May 21-June20
Beware! You can be your own worst enemy this month. You
are extremely confident, but yet insecure at the same time. Try to take a
creative risk because it will benefit you in the long run. Take some time to
meditate and reflect on things. TRY YOGA!
Your creative risk would result in great news and you would be extremely happy.
Try to stay organized. This would be one of the greatest months of the year for
Libra (The Scales)-September 23-October 22
Some people are seeking attention and it is driving you
crazy. Try not to OVERREACT! This painful situation would end soon and you will
be really relieved. Try to have a good time this month, because the world was
placed on your shoulders and it is being removed which would leave you in a
much stabled place.
Aquarius (The Water
Bearer)-January 20-Febraury 18
STARS! This month you would need to be a good example, do all the good you
can and everything will fall into place. Take care of yourself even though you
are used to taking care of everyone else. Set goals this month because there
would a big financial payoff in the end.
Cancer (The
Crab)-June 21-July 22
This month would be the craziest emotional rollercoaster
ride you have ever been on. You mind would be ready to move forward and get on
with life, but your heart is still in the repair shop. Communication is most
important this month, as it will help you overcome everything that is bothering
you. When it’s all over and done with, do something BIG!!!
Scorpio (The Scorpion)-October
23-November 21
It’s okay to be selfish. This month focus on putting
yourself and let everyone else worry about themselves. Get more organized and
focus more on what you want out of life. This positive change will be great and
you would see more things fall into place. Turn your dreams and thoughts into
reality. Stay positive.
Pisces (The
Fish)-February 19-March 20
LOVE IS IN THE AIR!! Get out and socialize more with your
friends and love ones. Love is in the air, and cupid has his eye set for you.
This love will be beautiful and would bring much joy to your life. I smell a
fairy-tale ending. This would be a great month for you.