Saturday, October 20, 2012

Photo taken from Anderson Live website

John Edwards had made an appearance on Anderson Live show on Thursday. John Edwards can always just snap right into any energy no matter where is at and who he's around at any time.

What was so amazing about that very show and on that very special day? Was that all of our energy has been pulled by the planets. The things around us has been answered and/or going to be answered soon. Also, that John Edwards made a non believer into a wonder-er, then to a strong believer. Did you see how D. L. Hughley went from that moment at our very own eyes? It was amazing! I am not sure, but I bet D.L Hughley has not had many Psychic Readings or Psychic Medium readings in the past. So it was interesting to see him go from a non believer to being a Believer. Witnessing that on Anderson Live was very powerful.

At The Emotion Link that is what we do EVERYDAY! All our incredible Psychic Readers and Psychic Mediums can pick up energy on you and/or the people around you. Psychic reading is a gift that is hard to explain on how we received it. Most to all people have some psychic intuition, somewhere deep inside their soul. Once people learn and understand the incredible power that they may hold, can change your life in seconds. It can also change the way in which you may see things.

The Emotion Link will love to share the Psychic gift to anyone right now. Call for your Psychic Reading or Psychic Medium reading now and get this answers that you did not you was seeking.

1 comment:

  1. Please keep it up!awesome post!! thanks for sharing this wonderful story i love reading it.PSYCHIC READINGS.
